Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In the Jungle

Wow, the last week really got away from me quickly. But an upside is that I have a lot of things to share here now! Most immediate is a garden update since it's started growing like crazy and will look so different tomorrow that if I don't post these photos now they'll be totally irrelevant!

The corn is starting to look kind of like corn.

Cucumbers for pickling (I didn't realize cucumber plants had such huge leaves!)

Watermelon vine. Another branch of this vine is growing along the ground in between the edges of the raised bed and the woodchuck-deterring fence. I don't know how it's going to do out there but I figure I'll try leaving it and growing this bit up the vine and see which does better.

I'm doing a Square Foot Garden this year. Now that my garden has turned into an impenetrable jungle (I pulled about 2 dozen string beans off of those buxhes in the foreground while bending across the garden border, around a corn plant, and under my rampant roma tomato), I'm thinking I need to set about planning more carefully next year. Like watching out for placing plants with lots of small things to pick behind tall plants with only a few things to pick. I can't even see my carrot plants any longer. At least I got the parsley right -- it's growing more crazily than anything else but it's on the edge of the bed so it's only trying to crowd out the dill! Live and learn (I knew my first garden wouldn't be perfect but I have to keep telling myself that just the same).

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