Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Preview

All of last Tuesday (and I mean all of it) was spent in painting the hallway. I know that this sounds like an excessive amount of time to spend painting a hallway but you have to hear about the hallway itself. It is a small hallway on the first floor, containing 4 doors, then the walls of the stairs up to the landing, containing 1 window, then the walls of the stairs up to the second floor, where there are a further 4 doors. Lots and lots of trim work.

My parents came in for a visit (from Oklahoma City) on Wednesday. They helped me to hang a 1920's/30's light fixture given to me by a friend but we haven't yet been able to hang the excessive number of framed things I plan to hang in the hallway. Here is a preview of the newly patched, painted, smoke-detectored, and light-fixtured hallway, for now.

More soon.

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