Monday, March 15, 2010

Guestroom Plans

After finding this fabric at Purl while looking for some linen for my kitchen curtains (this fabric will be for the guestroom curtains), I'm excited to get started on another room's redecorating.

The guestroom is the room really requiring the least work to be done to it but really wanting work more than almost any other room. The pull-down shades, like all of the rest of the pull-down shades in the house, have sun rot and are on the verge of exploding into 1,000 splinters every time one pulls them down or puts them up, the curtains currently on the windows are not made to actually cover the windows (why would curtains be large enough to cover the windows anyway? -- especially when this is the only bedroom on the first floor. No need for curtains. Why yes, that is the white house next door visible through the window.), and the yellow walls are even more disturbingly violently yellow in this small space than they appear to be in these photos. Which, by the way, were taken back in August when we were first looking at the house -- none of this furniture was left behind.

The room currenly houses a double bed, a writing desk, about 5 pieces of furniture which should be in the living room, and a good smattering of boxes full of books (as we still have yet to either find or build bookshelves to house our 20 boxes or so of books).

I'm thinking that we'll go with the 2nd tone on the color card -- "Portland Grey". I'm also in the beginning stages of a quilt for the bed in this room. It will be red and white. By beginning stages I, of course, mean that I've purchased piles of fabric and drafted up my plans. It's always a bit after that part where I stall out. But I'll post more on the quilt later and maybe it will give me incentive to actually work on it.

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